Thursday, January 13, 2011

Here we go

I understand that it's 2011 and I am a little behind but you will soon realize, that's what this blog is all about. I've been busy and just haven't gotten around to figuring all of this out. Plus...I want it to be pretty...apparently I have to hire someone and wait a few weeks to get pretty.

This blog is all about being real. No overly fluffy posts. No pictures of $500 handbags that I am coveting. No details about my house being perfect, inside and out. No pretending that I have it all together. None of that.

Sure, I may gush with love for my Lord and Savior and my family or tell how very thankful I am for simple things, like hot water in my shower and a car that runs, but overall, I want to talk about real life.

Don't get me wrong...I am blessed beyond measure but I want to share with you that I have messy rooms, expired food in the fridge and often arrive home from work exhausted.

So humor me and read this when you get a minute and need to feel "normal".